BP Fluor 546 NHS ester

BP Fluor 546 NHS ester

BP Fluor 546 (Alexa Fluor 546 equivalent; AF546) NHS Ester is a water-soluble, pH-insensitive (from pH 4-10), orange-fluorescent dye with absorption and emission maxima at 554 and 570 nm, respectively. It reacts with the amine group in antibody, proteins, peptides, amino-modified oligos, and other target molecules, which are often used for generating stable signals in imaging and flow cytometry. It can be used with the 488 nm and 532 nm laser lines. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.

Molecular structure of the compound BP-41807
    • Unit
    • Price
    • Qty
    • 1 MG
    • $137.00
    • 5 MG
    • $415.00
    • 25 MG
    • $1360.00
    • 100 MG
    • $2620.00

Usually ships within 24 hours.

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