Cy5 maleimide

Cy5 maleimide

Cy5 maleimide is a mono-reactive dye containing maleimide group, which selectively couples with thiol groups (for example, with cysteines in peptides and proteins) to yield Cy5 (an analog of Cy5) labeled conjugates. Sulfo-Cy5 maleimide version is available for the labeling of antibodies and other sensitive proteins. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.

Molecular structure of the compound BP-22552
    • Unit
    • Price
    • Qty
    • 1 MG
    • $125.00
    • 5 MG
    • $260.00
    • 10 MG
    • $350.00
    • 25 MG
    • $510.00

Usually ships within 24 hours.

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Product Citations

  1. Fischer, J. M., Stewart, M., Dai, M., Drennan, S., Holland, S., Quentel, A., ... & Yildirim, A. (2024). Peptide Amphiphiles Hitchhike on Endogenous Biomolecules for Enhanced Cancer Imaging and Therapy. bioRxiv, 2024-02.